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Health Care and Do Not Resuscitate Requests

There is no good way to die.  Only better or worse ways.  For the most part, we are capable of making our own healthcare decisions. However, there are numerous instances when this is not the case. Terri Schiavo presents a good example. She was in a coma, alive, but brain dead. However, that she was brain dead was not all that clear. All that was really clear was that she had been in a coma for years. Her husband had one view and Terri’s parents had another. One wanted to pull the plug, the other wanted to keep her on life support. Lots of lawyers’ fees were earned here, each side being convinced of the justice of their cause. Terri could have saved a lot of people a lot of money had she prepared for her possible incompetence by way of a Living Will. It doesn’t always happen to the other guy, you know. There is a relevant form in Forms which applies to this situation in Nevada:

The Living Will form is a statutory form which should be used in Nevada. Unless you have questions, it may be used without attorney input. In the event you check one of the “Do Not Resuscitate” boxes, you must also fill out at least one other form. Apparently the legislature wants to make sure you mean it.

There are other forms relating to end of life health care which are not on this website. Unlike your living will, these forms require the signature of your doctor. Generally the forms which require input from your doctor don’t become necessary until a doctor certifies that you have an incurable condition or a life expectancy of less than 5 years.  See e.g. NRS 449.691 et. seq. (POLST form) or unless you are in a terminal care facility and don’t want the ambulance drivers to attempt to resuscitate you in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest.  See NRS 450B.400 et. seq.  This last form must be on your person when the ambulance arrives.

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